North Carolina Standard Course of Study
Discrete Mathematics
Data Analysis and Probability
Competency Goal 2: The learner will analyze data and apply probability concepts to solve problems.
Lessons (5)
Students learn about the concepts and applications of chaos.
Introduces conditional probability and the probability of simultaneous events.
Introduces students to concepts that lead to probability.
Introduces students to simple probability concepts.
Introduces the concept of tree diagrams as a way to compute probability of a multi-step event.
Activities (4)
Experiment with the outcome distribution for a roll of two dice by simulating a dice throwing game. Parameters: Which player wins with which total rolled.
Students compare multiple independent variables as predictors of one dependent variable. Students explore correlation and lines of best-fit.
Simulate a game where two players each roll a die, and the lucky player moves one step to the finish. Parameters: what rolls win and how many steps to the finish line.
Simulate a game where "N" players roll two dice, and the lucky player has an advantage for reaching the finish. Parameters: the number of players, number of trials and length of the race.