Aligned Resources

Grades 9-12
Data Analysis and Probability
Develop and evaluate inferences and predictions that are based on data

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Lessons (4)

Students discover algorithms as they sort shapes into Venn diagrams. Then students compare the efficiency of their algorithms using box plots.

Audiences: Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12

Primary Subjects: Algebra, Discrete, Geometry, Number and Operations

Related Topics: algorithm, box and whisker, box plot, geometry, pattern, polygon, sets, venn diagram

Utilizes and reinforces concepts of probability, mean, line plots, experimental data, and chaos in analyzing a forest fire simulation.

Audiences: Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12, Undergraduate

Primary Subjects: Discrete, Modeling, Probability

Related Topics: agent modeling, chaos, data, decimals, events, experimental probability, fractions, graph, mean, outcomes, percents, probability, probability simulation, simulation, theoretical probability, variance

Looks at statistics and data analysis concepts from the practical questions that arise in everyday life.

Audiences: Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12

Primary Subjects: Statistics

Related Topics: bar graph, fractions, histogram, percentages, percents, statistics

Introduces the normal distribution and looks at the bell curve controversy.

Audiences: Grades 9-12, Undergraduate

Primary Subjects: Statistics

Related Topics: area, arithmetic, bell curve, continuous distribution, deviations, experimental probability, exponential, histogram, infinity, mean, measures of central tendency, median, mode, normal distribution, outcomes, percents, probability, range, skewed distribution, squares, standard deviation, statistics, theoretical probability, trials, variance

Activities (21)

Students run a simulation of how a fire will spread through a stand of trees, learning about probability and chaos. Parameters: Forest density, wind direction, size of forest.

Audiences: Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12, Undergraduate

Primary Subjects: Discrete, Fractions, Modeling, Probability

Related Topics: agent modeling, chaos, conditional probability, experimental probability, iteration, percentages, percents, probability simulation, proportion, simulation, skewed distribution, variance

Create a game spinner with variable sized sectors to look at experimental and theoretical probabilities. Parameters: Sizes of sectors, number of sectors, number of trials.

Audiences: Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12

Primary Subjects: Discrete, Fractions, Probability, Statistics

Related Topics: angles, circle graph, circles, counting, decimals, events, experimental probability, fair, geometric probability, outcomes, percentages, percents, pie chart, probability simulation, simulation, spinner, statistics, theoretical probability

Choose one of N doors to experimentally determine the odds of winning the grand prize behind one of the doors, as in the TV program "Let's Make a Deal." Parameters: Number of doors, number of trials, staying or switching between the two remaining doors.

Audiences: Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12

Primary Subjects: Discrete, Modeling, Probability, Statistics

Related Topics: bar graph, conditional probability, events, experimental probability, fair, monty hall, outcomes, probability simulation, simulation, statistics, trials

Experiment with a simulation to get an approximation of Pi by dropping a needle on a lined sheet of paper.

Audiences: Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12

Primary Subjects: Discrete, Probability, Statistics

Related Topics: angles, area, circumference, experimental probability, polygon, probability simulation, simulation

Simulation of a coin toss allowing the user to input the number of flips. Toss results can be viewed as a list of individual outcomes, ratios, or table.

Audiences: Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12

Primary Subjects: Discrete, Fractions, Probability, Statistics

Related Topics: counting, events, experimental probability, fair, flips, outcomes, percentages, probability simulation, proportion, theoretical probability, theoretical value

Compare theoretical and experimental probabilities, using dice, cards, spinners, or coin tosses. Three different probabilities can be compared at once. Parameters: Type of probabilities, number of trials.

Audiences: Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12

Primary Subjects: Discrete, Fractions, Probability, Statistics

Related Topics: combinatorics, events, experimental probability, outcomes, probability simulation, random number, theoretical probability

Experiment with the outcome distribution for a roll of two dice by simulating a dice throwing game. Parameters: Which player wins with which total rolled.

Audiences: Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12

Primary Subjects: Discrete, Fractions, Probability

Related Topics: combinatorics, decimals, events, experimental probability, fair, fractions, outcomes, percentages, percents, probability simulation, proportion, random number, statistics, theoretical probability, theoretical value

Run a simulation of how a fire will spread through a stand of trees, learning about probability and chaos. Parameters: Probability that a tree will set fire to each of its eight neighbors.

Audiences: Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12

Primary Subjects: Discrete, Fractions, Modeling, Probability

Related Topics: agent modeling, chaos, events, experimental probability, geometric probability, percentages, percents, probability simulation, proportion, recursion, simulation, statistics, theoretical probability, variance

Experiment with probability using a fixed size section spinner, a variable section spinner, two regular 6-sided dice or customized dice.

Audiences: Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12

Primary Subjects: Discrete, Probability, Statistics

Related Topics: circles, events, experimental probability, fair, fractions, geometric probability, outcomes, percentages, probability simulation, random number, simulation, spinner, statistics, theoretical probability, theoretical value, trials

Run a simulation of how a fire will spread through a stand of trees, learning about probability and chaos. Parameters: Probability that a tree catches fire if its neighbor is on fire.

Audiences: Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12

Primary Subjects: Discrete, Fractions, Modeling, Probability

Related Topics: agent modeling, chaos, decimals, events, experimental probability, outcomes, percentages, percents, proportion, simulation, squares, theoretical probability, variance

This applet allows the user to experiment with randomly generated data sets at various sample sizes and standard deviations. Then, users can compare the distribution of the experimental data to the expected distribution.

Audiences: Grades 9-12, Undergraduate

Primary Subjects: Statistics

Related Topics: bell curve, continuous distribution, exponential, histogram, infinity, mean, measures of central tendency, normal distribution, probability simulation, statistics, trials

Run a simulation to generate results from running the Monty Hall for multiple trials. This is similar to the game show "Let's Make A Deal", where you choose one of N doors in hopes of finding a grand prize behind one of the doors. Parameters: Number of doors, number of trials, staying, or switching between the two remaining doors.

Audiences: Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12

Primary Subjects: Discrete, Modeling, Probability

Related Topics: conditional probability, events, experimental probability, fair, monty hall, outcomes, probability simulation, random number, simulation, theoretical probability, theoretical value, trials

View histograms for built-in or user-specified data. Experiment with how the size of the class intervals influences the appearance of the histogram. Parameters: Data sets, class sizes.

Audiences: Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12, Undergraduate

Primary Subjects: Graphs, Statistics

Related Topics: counting, data plot, graph, histogram, intervals, mean, range, skewed distribution, slides, standard deviation

Learn about sampling with and without replacement by randomly drawing marbles from a bag. Parameters: Number and color of marbles in the bag, replacement rule.

Audiences: Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12

Primary Subjects: Discrete, Probability

Related Topics: conditional probability, events, experimental probability, outcomes, percentages, probability simulation, probability with replacement, probability without replacement, random number, simulation, statistics, theoretical probability, trials

Change the standard deviation of an automatically generated normal distribution to create a new histogram. Observe how well the histogram fits the curve, and how areas under the curve correspond to the number of trials. Parameters: standard deviation, number of trials, class intervals.

Audiences: Grades 9-12, Undergraduate

Primary Subjects: Graphs, Statistics

Related Topics: bell curve, continuous distribution, exponential, histogram, infinity, mean, measures of central tendency, normal distribution, probability simulation, standard deviation, statistics, trials

In this applet you can adjust the parameters on two Gaussian curves to determine if there is a possibility of a difference between the two means.

Audiences: Grades 9-12, Undergraduate

Primary Subjects: Probability, Statistics

Related Topics: bell curve, continuous distribution, experimental probability, exponential, graph, integral, mean, normal distribution, standard deviation, statistics, theoretical probability

Simulate a game where two players each roll a die, and the lucky player moves one step to the finish. Parameters: what rolls win and how many steps to the finish line.

Audiences: Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12

Primary Subjects: Discrete, Probability

Related Topics: circle graph, events, experimental probability, fair, geometric probability, percents, pie chart, probability, probability simulation, random number, theoretical probability, trials

Simulate a game where "N" players roll two dice, and the lucky player has an advantage for reaching the finish. Parameters: the number of players, number of trials and length of the race.

Audiences: Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12, Undergraduate

Primary Subjects: Discrete, Probability

Related Topics: combinatorics, experimental probability, fair, outcomes, probability, probability simulation, random number, theoretical probability, trials

Choose one of three doors to experimentally determine the odds of winning the grand prize behind one of the doors, as in the TV program "Let's Make a Deal." Parameters: Staying or switching between the two remaining doors.

Audiences: Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12

Primary Subjects: Discrete, Probability

Related Topics: conditional probability, events, experimental probability, fair, monty hall, outcomes, percents, probability, probability simulation, random number, statistics, strategy, theoretical probability

Change the median and standard deviation of an automatically generated normal distribution to create a skewed distribution, allowing you to observe properties like what it means for the mean, median, and mode to be different. Parameters: median, standard deviation, number of trials, class intervals.

Audiences: Grades 9-12, Undergraduate

Primary Subjects: Graphs, Statistics

Related Topics: bell curve, continuous distribution, histogram, mean, measures of central tendency, median, normal distribution, skewed distribution, standard deviation, statistics, trials, variance

Play the Chaos Game by experimenting with probabilities. Learn about an apparently random process with a not-so-random, geometric fractal result.

Audiences: Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12, Undergraduate

Primary Subjects: Geometry

Related Topics: chaos, fractals, geometric probability, iteration, pattern, random number, recursion