Aligned Resources

Virginia Standards of Learning
AP Calculus
APC.08 The student will apply the derivative to solve problems. This will include analysis of curves and the ideas of concavity and monotonicity; optimization involving global and local extrema; modeling of rates of change and related rates; use of implicit differentiation to find the derivative of an inverse function; interpretation of the derivative as a rate of change in applied contexts, including velocity, speed, and acceleration; and, differentiation of nonlogarithmic functions, using the technique of logarithmic differentiation. * * AP Calculus BC will also apply the derivative to solve problems. This will include analysis of planar curves given in parametric form, polar form, and vector form, including velocity and acceleration vectors; numerical solution of differential equations, using Euler's method; l'Hopital's Rule to test the convergence of improper integrals and series; and, geometric interpretation of differential equations via slope fields and the relationship between slope fields and the solution curves for the differential equations.

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Lessons (1)

Introduces students to graphing in the Polar coordinate plane

Audiences: Grades 9-12, Undergraduate

Primary Subjects: Calculus, Trigonometry

Related Topics: calculus, coordinate plane, coordinate system, cosine, data plot, graph, polar coordinates, pre-calculus, sine, tangent, trigonometry

Activities (2)

This activity allows the user to plot ordered pairs and parametric equations on the same coordinate plane. The applet is similar to GraphIt, but instead allows users to explore the parametric representation of a function.

Audiences: Grades 9-12, Undergraduate

Primary Subjects: Calculus

Related Topics: calculus, coordinate plane, coordinate system, functions, graph, parametric equations, pre-calculus

This activity allows the user to explore the polar coordinate system. The applet is similar to GraphIt, but instead allows users to explore the representation of a function in the polar coordinate system.

Audiences: Grades 9-12, Undergraduate

Primary Subjects: Algebra, Calculus, Graphs, Trigonometry

Related Topics: calculus, coordinate plane, coordinate system, cosine, data plot, graph, polar coordinates, pre-calculus, sine, tangent, trigonometry