Elapsed Time


In this lesson, students will learn about elapsed time and how to find the elapsed time given the starting and ending time.


Upon completion of this lesson, students will:

  • understand the concept of elapsed time
  • be able to calculate elapsed time given the starting and ending time

Standards Addressed

Grade 3

  • Measurement

    • The student demonstrates understanding of measurable attributes.

Grade 4

  • Measurement

    • The student demonstrates understanding of measurable attributes.

Grade 5

  • Measurement

    • The student demonstrates understanding of measurable attributes.

Grade 6

  • Measurement

    • The student demonstrates understanding of measurable attributes.

Grade 7

  • Measurement

    • The student demonstrates understanding of measurable attributes.

Grade 8

  • Measurement

    • The student demonstrates understanding of measurable attributes.

Grade 9

  • Measurement

    • The student demonstrates understanding of measurable attributes.

Grade 10

  • Measurement

    • The student demonstrates understanding of measurable attributes.

Grade 3

  • Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability

    • 1.0 Students conduct simple probability experiments by determining the number of possible outcomes and make simple predictions

Grade 4

  • Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability

    • 2.0 Students make predictions for simple probability situations

Third Grade

  • Measurement and Data

    • Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects.

Grades 3-5

  • Measurement

    • Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements

3rd Grade

  • Measurement

    • The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of length, time, weight, and liquid volume measurements; the relationships between systems of measure; accurate, efficient, and generalizable methods of determining the perimeters of polygons; and the values and combinations of coins required to make change.

5th Grade

  • Measurement

    • The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of the units and systems of measurement and the application of tools and formulas to determine measurements.

4th Grade

  • Measurement

    • Standard 4-5: The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of elapsed time; conversions within the U.S. Customary System; and accurate, efficient, and generalizable methods of determining area.

5th Grade

  • Measurement

    • The student will become familiar with the units and processes of measurement in order to use a variety of tools, techniques, and formulas to determine and to estimate measurements in mathematical and real-world problems.

3rd Grade

  • Measurement

    • Content Standard 4.0 The student will become familiar with the units and processes of measurement in order to use a variety of tools, techniques, and formulas to determine and to estimate measurements in mathematical and real-world problems.

4th Grade

  • Measurement

    • The student will become familiar with the units and processes of measurement in order to use a variety of tools, techniques, and formulas to determine and to estimate measurements in mathematical and real-world problems.

Grade 3

  • Measurement

    • 12. The student reads and writes time and measures temperature in degrees Fahrenheit to solve problems.

Grade 4

  • Measurement

    • 12. The student applies measurement concepts. The student measures time and temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius).

Grade 5

  • Measurement

    • 11. The student applies measurement concepts. The student measures time and temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius).

3rd Grade

  • Measurement

    • 3.16 The student will identify equivalent periods of time, including relationships among days, months, and years, as well as minutes and hours.

5th Grade

  • Measurement

    • 5.12 The student will determine an amount of elapsed time in hours and minutes within a 24-hour period.

Student Prerequisites

  • Arithmetic: Students must be able to:
    • complete simple addition
  • Technological: Students must be able to:
    • perform basic mouse manipulations such as point, click and drag
    • use a browser for experimenting with the activities

Teacher Preparation

Students will need:

  • access to browser
  • paper and pencil

Key Terms


The operation, or process, of calculating the sum of two numbers or quantities

elapsed time

A period of time that has passed, usually between a given starting time and ending time

Lesson Outline

  1. Focus and Review

    Open the lesson with this question, replacing times to make it more authentic:

    • We started math at 10 a.m. It is now 11 a.m. How long have we been doing math?
    • What do we call this time?

  2. Objectives

    Let the students know what they will be doing and learning today. Say something like this:

    • Today, class, we are going to learn what elapsed time is and how to calculate it.
    • We are going to use the computers to do this but please do not turn your computers on until I ask you to. I want to show you a little about this activity first.

  3. Teacher Input

    • Lead the students in a discussion about elapsed time.

  4. Guided Practice

    • Have the students draw starting and ending times on their Elapsed Time Record Sheet. Then instruct them to calculate the elapsed time.
    • Open your browser to the Elapsed Time applet. Explain to the students how to work the applet.

  5. Independent Practice

    • Have students answer 10 problems on their own.
    • Have the students answer the Exploration Questions while working with the applet.

  6. Closure

    • Discuss as a class what the students discovered while answering the exploration questions.

Alternate Outline

If there is only one computer, this lesson can be modified in the following ways:

  • The teacher can prepare problems by given students various starting and ending times. The students can then discuss methods for finding elapsed time.
  • Students who need additional help can use the applet after completing the problems on paper.