In Arithmetic Quiz and Arithmetic Four, questions are designed to help the user get practice in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and to prepare them for questions of various levels of difficulty. Questions are categorized by a combination of level (which determines the difficulty) and by types of problems listed. These different categories are defined in two different organizational structures. The first organization looks at problem types, then considers how problems vary by level within that type. The second organization considers the difficulty level first, then looks at different problem types within that level. All number ranges are inclusive. Both are provided below.
Descriptions by Problem Type:
Whole Number Addition:
- Level 1: Addition of two numbers between 0 and 10.
- Level 2: Addition of two numbers: one between 0 and 10, the other between 0 and 99.
- Level 3: Addition of two numbers between 0 and 99.
Integer Addition:
- Level 1: Addition of two integers between -10 and 10.
- Level 2: Addition of two integers: one between -10 and 10, the other between -99 and 99.
- Level 3: Addition of two integers between -99 and 99.
Whole Number Subtraction:
- Level 1: Subtraction of two numbers between 0 and 10, resulting in only positive answers.
- Level 2: Subtraction of two numbers: one between 0 and 10, the other between 0 and 99, resulting in only positive answers.
- Level 3: Subtraction of two numbers between 0 and 99, resulting in only positive answers.
Integer Subtraction:
- Level 1: Subtraction of two integers between -10 and 10.
- Level 2: Subtraction of two integers: one between -10 and 10, the other between -99 and 99.
- Level 3: Subtraction of two integers between -99 and 99.
Whole Number Multiplication:
- Level 1: Multiplication of two whole numbers between 0 and 10.
- Level 2: Multiplication of two whole numbers: one between 1 and 10, the other between 11 and 99.
Level 3: Multiplication of three integers resulting
in a product less than 1000. There will be one
multiplier from each of the following ranges:
- Between 2 and 10
- Between 5 and 10
- Between 11 and 20
Integer Multiplication:
- Level 1: Multiplication of two integers between -10 and 10.
- Level 2: Multiplication of two integers: one integer between -10 and -2 or between 2 and 10 and another integer between -99 and -11 or between 11 and 99.
Level 3: Multiplication of three integers resulting
in a product less than 1000. There will be one
multiplier from each of the following ranges:
- Between -10 and -2 or between 2 and 10
- Between -10 and -5 or between 5 and 10
- Between -20 and -11 or between 11 and 20
Whole Number Division:
- Level 1: Division of two whole numbers, with both the quotient and divisor between 2 and 10.
- Level 2: Division problems in which two whole numbers must be multiplied or added before dividing by a third number. Both types of problems involve a common divisor or factor between numbers and the quotient will be a one or two digit whole number.
- Level 3: Division of two whole numbers using a divisor between 2 and 10 to find a quotient between 10 and 99.
Integer Division:
- Level 1: Division of two integers with both the quotient and the divisor being between -10 and -2 or between 2 and 10.
- Level 2: Division problems in which two integers must be multiplied or added before dividing by a third integer. Both types of problems involve a common divisor or factor between numbers and the quotient will be a one or two digit integer.
- Level 3: Division of two integers to find a quotient between -99 and 99. The divisor will be between -10 and -2 or between 2 and 10.
Descriptions by Difficulty Level:
Level 1:
- Whole Number Addition: Addition of two numbers between 0 and 10.
- Whole Number Subtraction: Subtraction of two numbers between 0 and 10, resulting in only positive answers.
- Whole Number Multiplication: Multiplication of two whole numbers between 0 and 10.
- Whole Number Division: Division of two whole numbers, with both the quotient and divisor between 2 and 10.
- Integer Addition: Addition of two integers between -10 and 10.
- Integer Subtraction: Subtraction of two integers between -10 and 10.
- Integer Multiplication: Multiplication of two integers between -10 and 10.
- Integer Division: Division of two integers with both the quotient and the divisor being between -10 and -2 or between 2 and 10.
Level 2:
- Whole Number Addition: Addition of two numbers: one between 0 and 10, the other between 0 and 99.
- Whole Number Subtraction: Subtraction of two numbers: one between 0 and 10, the other between 0 and 99, resulting in only positive answers.
- Whole Number Multiplication: Multiplication of two whole numbers: one between 1 and 10, the other between 11 and 99.
- Whole Number Division: Division problems in which two whole numbers must be multiplied or added before dividing by a third number. Both types of problems involve a common divisor or factor between numbers and the quotient will be a one or two digit whole number.
- Integer Addition: Addition of two integers: one between -10 and 10, the other between -99 and 99.
- Integer Subtraction: Subtraction of two integers: one between -10 and 10, the other between -99 and 99.
- Integer Multiplication: Multiplication of two integers: one integer between -10 and -2 or between 2 and 10 and another integer between -99 and -11 or between 11 and 99.
- Integer Division: Division problems in which two integers must be multiplied or added before dividing by a third integer. Both types of problems involve a common divisor or factor between numbers and the quotient will be a one or two digit integer.
Level 3:
- Whole Number Addition: Addition of two numbers between 0 and 99.
- Whole Number Subtraction: Subtraction of two numbers between 0 and 99, resulting in only positive answers.
Whole Number Multiplication: Multiplication of three
integers resulting in a product less than 1000. There will be one
multiplier from each of the following ranges:
- Between 2 and 10
- Between 5 and 10
- Between 11 and 20
- Whole Number Division: Division of two whole numbers using a divisor between 2 and 10 to find a quotient between 10 and 99.
- Integer Addition: Addition of two integers between -99 and 99.
- Integer Subtraction: Subtraction of two integers between -99 and 99.
Integer Multiplication: Multiplication of three
integers resulting in a product less than 1000. There will be one
multiplier from each of the following ranges:
- Between -10 and -2 or between 2 and 10
- Between -10 and -5 or between 5 and 10
- Between -20 and -11 or between 11 and 20
- Integer Division: Division of two integers to find a quotient between -99 and -2 or between 2 and 99. The divisor will be between -10 and -2 or between 2 and 10.