Algorithm Discovery with Venn Diagrams


This lesson is designed to help students learn about algorithms through Venn Diagrams and Box Plots. Students will develop algorithms for solving Venn Diagrams, collect data for each algorithm, and compare the efficiency of each algorithm, using box plots.


Upon completion of this lesson, students will:

  • understand the purpose and use of algorithms in problem-solving
  • understand what algorithms are most efficient for solving Venn Diagrams
  • understand an authentic application of box plots in data analysis

Standards Addressed

Grade 3

  • Process Skills

    • The student demonstrates an ability to problem solve.
    • The student demonstrates an ability to use logic and reason.

Grade 4

  • Process Skills

    • The student demonstrates an ability to problem solve.
    • The student demonstrates an ability to use logic and reason.

Grade 5

  • Functions and Relationships

    • The student communicates his or her mathematical thinking.
    • The student demonstrates an ability to use logic and reason.
  • Process Skills

    • The student demonstrates an ability to problem solve.
    • The student demonstrates an ability to use logic and reason.

Grade 6

  • Process Skills

    • The student demonstrates an ability to problem solve.
    • The student communicates his or her mathematical thinking.
    • The student demonstrates an ability to use logic and reason.

Grade 7

  • Process Skills

    • The student demonstrates an ability to problem solve.
    • The student communicates his or her mathematical thinking.
    • The student demonstrates an ability to use logic and reason.

Grade 8

  • Process Skills

    • The student demonstrates an ability to problem solve.
    • The student communicates his or her mathematical thinking.
    • The student demonstrates an ability to use logic and reason.

Grade 9

  • Process Skills

    • The student demonstrates an ability to problem solve.
    • The student communicates his or her mathematical thinking.
    • The student demonstrates an ability to use logic and reason.

Grade 10

  • Process Skills

    • The student demonstrates an ability to problem solve.
    • The student communicates his or her mathematical thinking.
    • The student demonstrates an ability to use logic and reason.

Grade 6

  • Mathematical Reasoning

    • 1.0 Students make decisions about how to approach problems
    • 2.0 Students use strategies, skills, and concepts in finding solutions
  • Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability

    • 1.0 Students compute and analyze statistical measurements for data sets

Grade 7

  • Mathematical Reasoning

    • 1.0 Students make decisions about how to approach problems
    • 2.0 Students use strategies, skills, and concepts in finding solutions

Grades 8-12

  • AP Probability and Statistics

    • 14.0 Students organize and describe distributions of data by using a number of different methods, including frequency tables, histograms, standard line graphs and bar graphs, stem-and-leaf displays, scatterplots, and box-and-whisker plots.
  • Probability and Statistics

    • 8.0 Students organize and describe distributions of data by using a number of different methods, including frequency tables, histograms, standard line and bar graphs, stem-and-leaf displays, scatterplots, and box-and-whisker plots.

Statistics and Probability

  • Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data

    • Summarize, represent, and interpret data on a single count or measurement variable

Grades 6-8

  • Data Analysis and Probability

    • Develop and evaluate inferences and predictions that are based on data

Grades 9-12

  • Data Analysis and Probability

    • Develop and evaluate inferences and predictions that are based on data

Grade 7

  • Number and Operations, Measurement, Geometry, Data Analysis and Probability, Algebra

    • COMPETENCY GOAL 4: The learner will understand and use graphs and data analysis.

Grade 8

  • Number and Operations, Measurement, Geometry, Data Analysis and Probability, Algebra

    • COMPETENCY GOAL 4: The learner will understand and use graphs and data analysis.

Introductory Mathematics

  • Data Analysis and Probability

    • COMPETENCY GOAL 3: The learner will understand and use graphs and data analysis.

Technical Mathematics I

  • Number and Operations

    • Competency Goal 1: The learner will apply various strategies to solve problems.

6th Grade

  • Mathematical Processes

    • The student will understand and utilize the mathematical processes of problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representation.

7th Grade

  • Mathematical Processes

    • The student will understand and utilize the mathematical processes of problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representation.

8th Grade

  • Mathematical Processes

    • The student will understand and utilize the mathematical processes of problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representation.

6th Grade

  • Data Analysis & Probability

    • Content Standard 5.0 The student will understand and apply basic statistical and probability concepts in order to organize and analyze data and to make predictions and conjectures.

7th Grade

  • Data Analysis & Probability

    • The student will understand and apply basic statistical and probability concepts in order to organize and analyze data and to make predictions and conjectures.

8th Grade

  • Data Analysis & Probability

    • The student will understand and apply basic statistical and probability concepts in order to organize and analyze data and to make predictions and conjectures.

Grade 6

  • Probability and Statistics

    • 10. The student uses statistical representations to analyze data.
  • Underlying Processes and Mathematical Tools

    • 12. The student communicates about Grade 6 mathematics through informal and mathematical language, representations, and models.

Grade 7

  • Underlying Processes and Mathematical Tools

    • 14. The student communicates about Grade 7 mathematics through informal and mathematical language, representations, and models.

Grade 8

  • Probability and Statistics

    • 12. The student uses statistical procedures to describe data.
  • Underlying Processes and Mathematical Tools

    • 15. The student communicates about Grade 8 mathematics through informal and mathematical language, representations, and models.

7th Grade

  • Probability and Statistics

    • 7.17 The student, given a problem situation, will collect, analyze, display, and interpret data, using a variety of graphical methods, including frequency distributions; line plots; histograms; stem-and-leaf plots; box-and-whisker plots; and scattergrams.

8th Grade

  • Probability and Statistics

    • 8.12 The student will make comparisons, predictions, and inferences, using information displayed in frequency distributions; box-and-whisker plots; scattergrams; line, bar, circle, and picture graphs; and histograms.

6th Grade

  • Probability and Statistics

    • 6.18c The student, given a problem situation, will collect, analyze, display, and interpret data in a variety of graphical methods, including box-and-whisker plots.

Textbooks Aligned

Book 2

  • Module 7 - Health and Wellness

    • Section 3: Box Plots

Book 3

  • Module 1 - Amazing Feats, Facts and Fictions

    • Section 2: Box Plots


  • Module 1 - Patterns and Problem Solving

    • Section 3: A Problem Solving Approach


  • Module 7 - MATH-Thematical Mix

    • Section 4: Box-and-Whisker Plots and Circle Graphs


  • Module 6 - Visualizing Change

    • Section 4: Algorithms and Transformations
      • Reason for Alignment: This lesson motivates understanding of algorithm through the use of Venn diagrams. The use of Venn diagrams and a rule for these diagrams goes with the algorithm part of the section.

Grade 8

  • Insights into Data

    • Box Plots

Grade 6

  • Dealing With Data

    • Box Plots

Teacher Preparation

Teachers will need:

  • computer with access to an internet browser
  • A copy of the worksheet for each student (optional)
  • pencil and paper

Key Terms


Step-by-step procedure by which an operation can be carried out

box plot

Also called box-and-whisker plot, this graph shows the distribution of data by dividing the data into four groups with the same number of data points in each group. The box contains the middle 50% of the data points and each of the two whiskers contain 25% of the data points.

Venn Diagram

A diagram where sets are represented as simple geometric figures, with overlapping and similarity of sets represented by intersections and unions of the figures

Lesson Outline

  1. Focus and Review

    Open the Venn Diagram Shape Sorter applet, and project it for the whole class to view. Set the applet to Guess Mode, and work through a problem as a class:

    • Guide the students through the activity by instructing them on applet functionality.
    • Have students volunteer answers and tell you where to place different shapes in order to solve the problem.
    • Ask guided questions to help students start thinking about why they're selecting shapes to try.
    • After solving the problem, ask students to explain what approach they took in solving it.
    • Ask guided questions to help students start thinking about efficiency in solving problems

  2. Objectives

    Lead the class in a discussion on algorithms. Explain to the class that they will be finding algorithms to solve Venn Diagram problems, and collecting data and using box plots in order to determine an algorithm's efficiency.

  3. Teacher Input

  4. Guided Practice

    Explain how you'll use the box plot to compare different algorithms:

    • Students will develop an algorithm for solving a Venn Diagram
    • Students will solve several different problems using that method, recording how many shapes they had to try before being able to accurately guess the rules.
    • The class will come together and enter their data into a box plot, with each different algorithm as a category.

    If necessary, practice this process as a class until you're confident that students can do it on their own.

  5. Independent Practice

    Have students solve several problems with the Venn Diagram Shape Sorter.

    • Remind students to develop an algorithm for solving the problems.
    • Have students record how many shapes they try before being able to solve the problem each time.
    • If students are having trouble with the concept of algorithms, have them use the worksheet to guide their thinking.

  6. Closure

    As a class, enter data into the box plot, where each different algorithm is a different category in the box plot. Discuss the results:

    • Which algorithm is most efficient?
    • How can you tell?
    • How does the box plot help you see this?

Alternate Outline

If only one computer is available for the classroom, this lesson can be rearranged in the following way:

  • The teacher may do this activity as a demonstration. Choose the version (one circle, etc.) and allow students to decide individually, or in groups, which object to move onto the diagram and where to move it.
  • As a class, construct a box plot of the results of each algorithm. Then discuss conclusions they can draw from their results.

Suggested Follow-Up