What is Elapsed Time Two?
This activity is similar to the Elapsed Time Activity. This activity allows the user to calculate an ending time when the beginning time and elapsed time are given.
Calculating an ending time is an important skill in everyday life. It requires understanding how to read a clock and understanding how we measure time because we don't usually use our traditional decimal (base ten) system to measure time.
For instance, suppose you wanted to know when you would finish your homework and would be able
to play basketball with your friends. If you get off the bus at 3:45 every afternoon and you
know that you usually have one and a half hours of homework, when will you be done? It's an
addition problem but you cannot use the same method for addition that you use if you were just
adding whole numbers or decimals:
As is typical with most math, you can think about the problem many ways. Here are a couple of ways:
You can think about it as an addition problem, but you need to be careful of your place
value. Remember that 60 minutes is an hour, not 100 minutes:
You can think about the problem by picturing the time on a clock and then moving the clock
ahead in smaller groups. Start with the minutes, then add the hours:
How Do I Use This Activity?
This activity is similar to the Elapsed Time Activity. In this activity, the user will calculate an ending time when the beginning time and elapsed time is given.
Controls and Output
Elapsed Time Two Activity Modes
See and Guess: Select the appropriate radio button for the mode you would like to use.
See mode: In this mode the user makes the clock read the correct ending time given by advancing the clock.
Increment the time on the clock by pressing the
1 Hour,
5 Min and
1 Min buttons.
Guess mode: In this mode the user must determine what time it will be once the given time has elapsed. Once the time is entered, the clock will advance to the time entered. If this answer is correct, then a "Good Job!" message is displayed. If the answer is incorrect the user will be told so and may try again.
Enter in your guess in the text boxes labeled
New Time.
Controls Available in both modes:
When you've found the correct ending time a "Good Job!!" message will display. If you've
gone too far, an "Oops!! Too far" message will display and you will need to press either
Reset button to try the same problem again or the
New Time button to try a different problem.
Difficulty drop down menu has choices of level 1, level 2, and level 3. On the level 1 setting, all
problems will be in one-hour increments. On the level 2 setting, all problems will be in
5-minute increments. On the level 3 setting, all problems will be in 1-minute increments.
Use the animation drop down menu to select how quickly the clock is animated. Choose from
fast, medium, and slow, or choose "Do not animate" if you want to see the result but not
watch the animation.
Each clock at any time can be changed back and forth between a digital clock and a
traditional clock with a face. Select the appropriate radio button under each clock for
the display you prefer.
- This activity will automatically record how successful you are at answering the questions. To view the score, press the Show Score button at the bottom of the activity and a pop-up window will appear with the scoreboard. To close this pop-up window press the Close button or click back on the main window.
- To pause the scoring, press the Active button at the bottom of the screen and it will change to a Paused button. To resume scoring, press the Paused button.
- To reset the scoreboard, open the scoreboard using the Show Score button and then press the Reset button.
This activity allows the user to calculate an ending time when the beginning time and elapsed time are given. This activity would work well in groups of one to two for about ten to fifteen minutes if you use the record sheet and five minutes otherwise.
Place in Mathematics Curriculum
This activity can be used to:
- Develop an understanding of addition and subtraction with time
- Develop an understanding of number systems other than base ten
- Help students practice reading a clock
Standards Addressed
Grade 3
- The student demonstrates understanding of measurable attributes.
Grade 4
- The student demonstrates understanding of measurable attributes.
Grade 5
- The student demonstrates understanding of measurable attributes.
Grade 6
- The student demonstrates understanding of measurable attributes.
Grade 7
- The student demonstrates understanding of measurable attributes.
Grade 8
- The student demonstrates understanding of measurable attributes.
Grade 9
- The student demonstrates understanding of measurable attributes.
Grade 10
- The student demonstrates understanding of measurable attributes.
Grade 3
Measurement and Geometry
- 1.0 Students choose and use appropriate units and measurement tools to quantify the properties of objects
Third Grade
Measurement and Data
- Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects.
Grades 3-5
- Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements
- Understand measurable attributes of objects and the units systems, and processes of measurement
Grade 3
Number and Operations, Measurement, Geometry, Data Analysis and Probability, Algebra
- COMPETENCY GOAL 2: The learner will recognize and use standard units of metric and customary measurement.
- COMPETENCY GOAL 5: The learner will recognize, determine, and represent patterns and simple mathematical relationships.
Grade 4
Number and Operations, Measurement, Geometry, Data Analysis and Probability, Algebra
- COMPETENCY GOAL 5: The learner will demonstrate an understanding of mathematical relationships.
Grade 5
Number and Operations, Measurement, Geometry, Data Analysis and Probability, Algebra
- COMPETENCY GOAL 2: The learner will recognize and use standard units of metric and customary measurement.
- COMPETENCY GOAL 5: The learner will demonstrate an understanding of patterns, relationships, and elementary algebraic representation.
3rd Grade
- The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of length, time, weight, and liquid volume measurements; the relationships between systems of measure; accurate, efficient, and generalizable methods of determining the perimeters of polygons; and the values and combinations of coins required to make change.
5th Grade
- The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of the units and systems of measurement and the application of tools and formulas to determine measurements.
4th Grade
- Standard 4-5: The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of elapsed time; conversions within the U.S. Customary System; and accurate, efficient, and generalizable methods of determining area.
5th Grade
- The student will become familiar with the units and processes of measurement in order to use a variety of tools, techniques, and formulas to determine and to estimate measurements in mathematical and real-world problems.
3rd Grade
- Content Standard 4.0 The student will become familiar with the units and processes of measurement in order to use a variety of tools, techniques, and formulas to determine and to estimate measurements in mathematical and real-world problems.
4th Grade
- The student will become familiar with the units and processes of measurement in order to use a variety of tools, techniques, and formulas to determine and to estimate measurements in mathematical and real-world problems.
Grade 5
- 11. The student applies measurement concepts. The student measures time and temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius).
Grade 6
- 8. The student solves application problems involving estimation and measurement of length, area, time, temperature, volume, weight, and angles.
Grade 7
- 9. The student solves application problems involving estimation and measurement.
3rd Grade
- 3.15 The student will tell time to the nearest five-minute interval and to the nearest minute, using analog and digital clocks.
- 3.16 The student will identify equivalent periods of time, including relationships among days, months, and years, as well as minutes and hours.
7th Grade
Computation and Estimation
- 7.5 The student will formulate rules for and solve practical problems involving basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) with integers.
5th Grade
Computation and Estimation
- 5.3 The student will create and solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers, using paper and pencil, estimation, mental computation, and calculators.
- 5.12 The student will determine an amount of elapsed time in hours and minutes within a 24-hour period.
Be Prepared to
- Explain several ways to add and subtract time
- Explain that the applet doesn't show AM or PM times specifically but sometimes the elapsed time and beginning time will be such that they require you to switch from AM to PM